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Zentyal: Create File Share on a Zentyal 6.2 DC

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The process of adding file shares on a Zentyal 6.2 DC is pretty simple as the File Share module is automatically installed as part of the Domain Controller Module.

Create a file share on a Zentyal 6.2 DC:

To Create a File Share on a Zentyal 6.2 DC follow the following Steps:

To create a new share connect to the web interface of your DC (https://dc-ip:8443)

Create File Share on a Zentyal 6.2 DC

Log in with an admin user account:

log in

Click the File Sharing button on the left hand menu:

File share

Click the ADD NEW button:

Add New

Fill in the required fields as required:

Create Share

Click ADD to create the share. The new share will now be in the list of shares.

New Share Added

Click on the Access Control Settings button for the share.

Access settings

Click the ADD NEW button:

Zentyal: Create File Share on a Zentyal 6.2 DC

You can then chose which user or group will have access and give them the desired level of access (Read Only, Read and Write and Administrator).

Add user

Click ADD to create the access to the folder:


Click SAVE CHANGES to save the changes.

Zentyal: Create File Share on a Zentyal 6.2 DC

Click SAVE:

Save Settings

Wait for the changes to be saved:


Once saved you will be able to access the share from windows by searching for \\dcipordomainname and clicking enter:

Access share

This will then open a new window showing the shares on the DC. Click on the required share and you will enter the share:

open share
opened share

Depending on the level of access you gave the user they will then be able to copy and create folders/ documents in the folder.

create test folder

For more Zentyal How Too’s take a look in our Zentyal Category.

To read more about Zentyal on their website Click HERE.

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