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Ubuntu 20.04: Install OpenVPN client and connect to VPN on Ubuntu 20.04

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Ubuntu 20.04: Install OpenVPN client and connect to VPN on Ubuntu 20.04

OPENVPN is an open source virtual private network (VPN) Server. It has Workstation clients to allow Windows, Linux and Mac OSX clients to securely connect to the Server. More information can be found on the OPENVPN Website.

Clients can be downloaded from the download page of the OpenVPN website.

The OpenVPN client can be easily installed on Ubuntu 20.04 through the apt package manager.

Installing OpenVPN client on Ubuntu 20.04:

Install openvpn client using apt:

sudo apt install openvpn

I then downloaded my client.ovpn file from my clients Openvpn server and saved it to:


I was then able to access the vpn by running the following command and imputing my username, password and google authenticator key when asked:

sudo openvpn --config client.ovpn

Once the VPN was connected I was able to connect to the remote servers from my local machine as though I was on the LAN.

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