New and improved Ubuntu 20.04 Bash Configuration Script
Over the past couple of days I have been playing around installing my laptop with Ubuntu 20.04 desktop and I decided that I would create a new script so that I can automate the setup going forwards. I have also been playing around with git and github version control at work so I have setup a github repository to save this script to so that I can easily keep adding to it in the future without having to update all the links from this post.
The GitHub Repository can be found:
ithowtoo/ithowtoo-ubuntu_20.04_install_script: ithowtoo/ubuntu_20.04_install_script (
At the moment the script updates and upgrades the Ubuntu installation and then installs the following software:
- Keepass
- Vim
- Chrome
- OpenVPN
- Python3
- Thunderbird
- wget
- Filezilla
- Notepad++
This is all of the software that I have added to the laptop so far and as I find more things to install I will add them to the script and update GitHub with the updates.
I am also going to try and script setting up the software too this week as I am on holiday this coming week so I will make the script as useful as possible.
The contents of the script are as follows:
#! /bash/bin
# update and upgrade Ubuntu 20.04
echo "Updating Ubuntu"
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
echo "Ubuntu up to date"
# Install Openvpn
echo "Installing OpenVPN"
sudo apt install -y openvpn
echo "OpenVPN Installed"
# Install PIP
echo "Installing PIP"
sudo apt install -y python3-pip
echo "PIP Installed"
# Install GIT
echo "Install git"
sudo apt install -y git
echo "Git Installed"
# Install Vim
echo "Installing Vim"
sudo apt install -y vim
echo "Vim Installed"
# Install Keepass2
echo "Installing Keepass2"
sudo apt install -y keepass2
echo "Keepass2 Installed"
# Installing Wget"
echo "Installing wget"
sudo apt install -y wget
echo "Wget installed"
# Install Google Chrome
echo "Installing Google Chrome"
sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
echo "Google Chrome Installed"
# Installing Thunderbird
echo "Installing Thunderbird"
sudo apt install -y thunderbird
echo "Thunderbird installed"
# Installing Filezilla
echo "Installing Filezilla"
sudo apt install -y filezilla
echo "Filezilla installed"
# Install notepad++
echo "Installing Notepad++"
sudo snap install notepad-plus-plus
echo "Notepad++ installed"
As you can see it is pretty basic at the moment and basically shows what it is doing and when the config has finished and then moves onto the next step but it works and saves a lot of time.